Saturday, December 25, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

This year I could not be more grateful for what I have. Thanksgiving is a good reminder to think about everything in a different and wonderful perspective and I truly am grateful this year. I get to be with my husband again... 5 plus months apart I wish on no family and do not know how military families do it! Which leads me to gratitude for those families who do sacrifice that time together. I am grateful mostly for my family, the gospel and most importantly my Father in Heaven. What a great life he has given us. I am so grateful for the knowledge of the purpose of life through its joys and sorrows, happiness and trials. I am so grateful for my relationship with my Savior and Father and for their comfort and confirmation throughout this year. Not once have a felt alone or that our trials have been without purpose. The reason for them I may not understand, but I know that they have brought me closer to my Savior and I have a greater testimony of His plan. Through being apart from Derek, a miscarriage (and surgery), the sadness of my children longing for their daddy, and without even getting into the incredible things which happened with Derek's school I am stronger and more proud of my husband and my family. While it hasn't been fun - at all - or even close to easy and even depressing and worrisome, there is purpose and we have not lost faith, which somehow makes me feel successful in a small way. (Which I hope isn't blasphemy and pride.) We love each other more than anything and have been reminded of how important family is. I am also grateful for my extended family which has helped us have a place to live, watched my children and lifted our spirits with encouragement and support. The gospel is true, without a doubt. I am grateful for the gift of the Hold Ghost, who brings comfort, strength and personal revelation. I am grateful for the plan of salvation and that I have the opportunity to live with my family for all eternity - WHAT A BLESSING!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

This year for Halloween the weather was just right. We went to our brother and sister's ward party and had a family Halloween party and played minute to win it games (thanks to Maile :) )We had yummy soups in cute little pumkins shaped bread bowls and lots of cute little spooky desserts. We had an awesome time playing together and loved everyone's costumes!

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Big 3-0

This year my fine looking husband enjoyed reaching a milestone in age. I officially call him old now ( even though I secretly wish to be thirty.) While it wasn't the exciting fun filled day I'd have given him if our situation was a bit different, it was a good one. I cooked a big steak dinner and some yummy dessert with our family. The kids and I picked him out some new but necessary work clothes and a soccer ball and cleats for his own soccer season that just started with his family a few weeks ago. He is truly an amazing and patient man. I could not be more grateful to have such a wonderful husband, father and example! Love you!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

While wifey is away...

The big boy plays...
I had to laugh a little when Derek sent me this picture of himself and what he's been up to in Philadelphia while we are here in Arizona. I guess when there is no one to tell you no and keep away the kisses, this is what you do!
I actually think it looks better than I would have expected, not that I'm requesting this style any time soon.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ashlyn Turns 3

It is hard to believe that it has already been three years that we have been able to enjoy our sweet little Ashlyn. She is truly a joy. She is so full of energy and love for life. She is happy and has the cutest little voice and laugh. This year we were able to spend her birthday with some friends and family and it was quiet and nice. She had no requests for her cake, so she got a simple flower - bur she loved it so all is well. She loves her gifts: makeup, a purse, a leotard, a baby that cries, jewelry, a journal and a cute little princess book. Her cousins spoiled her this year. Ashlyn continues to grow and is learning well. She starts preschool next week, has conquered her regression in potty training (95%) and weighs in at 28 pounds. She continues to active and loud. She is very sensitive to others' feelings, wants to be big when it is convenient only and loves to sing. We love our Ashlyn!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hailey's 1st year in Soccer

Hailey is officially old enough for AYSO soccer. We were able to enroll her this summer and practices are under way! She is really excited and loved to pick out her little soccer cleats, socks, outfit and water bottle. She was placed on a team with her cousin Jodi which has been a great help for motivation. Her and Jodi get along well so Hailey is always excited for practice. She also LOVES her coach, coach Dan, who is amazing with these little girls. We couldn't have asked for better. He is positive and keeps them motivated the whole time. They received their uniforms the other day which are yellow and black. Despite the coach encouraging for a team name like bumble bees, Hailey is a part of the Golden Butterflies. We are really excited for her games to start and are happy she is enjoying it so far. The small groups are excellent for Hailey. She has really been able to work on skills and not be overwhelmed by too many other girls. There are only 5 on their team. Perfect! I can't believe she is so big already but am excited to watch her grow.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Enjoying Summer

To start the summer off right our family spent some good pool time together. We also had a giant two story water slide. It was a lot of fun to spend time with the family. The girls were pretty afraid of the slide, considering it was pretty steep and quick. But after a wet towel was put under them to slow them down they had a good time. Since Derek wasn't able to be here, Bryce's awesome uncle Ty stepped in and took him down quite a few times and he loved it!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bryce's Birthday

I can't believe that my little boy is already one. This past year has flown by and so much has changed, including him! I don't know if it is because I have more children or just life in general, but it sure seems that he has grown the fastest and I long for him to be a baby just a bit longer. His birthday was pretty low key with family for cake and ice cream. Making his cake was fun since I can't use frosting with his milk allergy. For his first party I made cupcakes and frosted them, forgetting to save one to frost with cool whip instead. His cupcake ended up pretty darn ugly since I had to slice off the top, put on cool whip and then watch it sink in to the cupcake... oh it was not cute. But, Bryce LOVED it! He downed it by the time I had taken three pictures. Bryce is definitely giving me a whole new experience. He eats like a champ and constantly. I blame it on boyhood. He did the same thing the next night when he had his little caterpillar cake, much better the cupcake. He continues to be the happiest little boy and can make anyone smile. He giggles constantly. For his birthday he got some new clothes (this boy is on a far more normal growth pattern than his older sisters, 18M clothes already), trucks and a basketball hoop. I may just have a basketball player on my hands. He immediately knew what to do and spends much of his day throwing that ball in the hoop. When he isn't chasing his basketball down he loves to push trucks and especially likes the ones that make sounds. Can I just say he is ALL BOY! So funny. He also loved playing on the slip and slide with his cousins to celebrate. We love this little guy.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Well, we have sort of officially moved? The kids and I are here in our long term vacation at my mother's house. Derek left yesterday and is back to the grind, which hopefully grinds very quickly into nothing:) It still seems unreal and not knowing when Derek will be here, where we will go and lacking a permanent home makes it all seem like summer vacation. I realize how much I haven't said or done, as my mind continues to convince itself of our return. I am grateful I get to come back and drive with Derek, so I can see so many faces one more time. I am glad to know I will see many again. I am blessed with so many friends that I know will keep in touch. I am horrible at good-byes; I am so glad that it is mostly see-you-later instead. While I realize there are some I won't see, I am so grateful for all I have been blessed to know and spend time with. I want to call and chat with so many, but fittingly I have spent many days now without a phone as my handsome little man has broke it cleanly in half. Man, I love that kid.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Valley Forge

While Derek's family was here for graduation we were able to visit a few sights and finally get out to Valley Forge. It was a great trip and such a reminder of all the blessings we have been given in our time. What a sacrifice so many have made for the liberties we have. There are so many good things in this world and country, despite the sad choices we have seen in our day. I am truly grateful to live and worship in this country and enjoy so much. I am glad we were able to spend some good time with Derek's family while they were here too!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Derek Graduates!!

We got to celebrate the culmination of all of Derek's 21 years of school. After 13 years in grade school, 4 in undergrad and 4 more to top it off in graduate school, he can finally see the light! While the celebration is a little early while he has a few things to take care of, we are so proud of all that he has accomplished. He has and does work so hard every day and we are excited for all the new adventures that will come. We couldn't be more proud!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

One last girls' trip to NYC!

While my family was in town for Derek's graduation, my mom, grandmother, aunt and I were able to take one last trip to NY. We enjoyed Broadway and saw Wicked, which was awesome. We barely made it in time, thanks to my lovely time planning, but it all turned out great and we were able to see the show. Then we ate at the MARS restaurant, not bad, but nothing special. I am so grateful I was able to spend time with my family and see the big apple one last time.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Senior Picnic

Each year our group of friends gets together and has a picnic to enjoy each other a last time before everyone starts to leave. This year was our turn. It was bitter sweet to think we had done it three years before and that this would be our last. We have such a great group of people so near by. We have truly enjoyed Philadelphia. Many weren't able to make it this year, but we still had a good turn out, if the picture gives any indication of how many friends we are lucky to have.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Girls Night Out

To celebrate and mourn our last days in Philadelphia a few of the girls I spend a lot of time with and I decided to head out to Lancaster for an overnighter. We started out at Shady Maple Smorgasbord and ate our fill plus some... it was yummy. Then, we did a little shopping and headed to the hotel for some swimming minus children. I didn't realize how much I used to do in a pool without them. We did our usual, talk too late and laugh too hard, which was awesome and finished with some shopping and headed home. I am so grateful to have such an awesome group of friends here in Philadelphia. They are my family away from family. I am so grateful for the memories and hope we continue them in the future! I say we make it a tradition... any takers ? :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Fourth Year Dinner

To celebrate the end of our last year in dental school, the families in our ward (and a few others) got together for a big dinner at the church. We had yummy Cafe Rio Salads and let the kids run wild while we enjoyed each other's company. It was great, since we have 13 families (most with 2-3 kids) it was a far better than trying to get us all to behave in a restuarant. Thanks to all who helped to make a yummy dinner!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Last Girls' Night in Philly

This month Stacey and I were in charge of the last girls' night I'll be attending here in Philly :( We based it off of the game show Minute to Win it - and it was awesome! We grouped the girls into foursomes and then completed in a bracket-like single elimination. Once we got to the last 8 finalists, we separated into smaller groups and ultimately single winners were chosen! Shout outs to Jaymie #1, Debbie bringin' up 2nd, and in a down-to-the wire rematch for third and fourth, Meghan and Kelley! It was unbeatable laughs and we loved chowing on all the great Philadelphia classics like, water-ice, cheese steaks, tomato pie, pepperoni bread, tasty-cakes, soft pretzels and Philadelphia cream cheese desserts. I am so glad we get together so often and enjoy each others company. I will seriously miss the late-night girl time. But it was a great way to enjoy the last one!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bryce at 10 months

This last month Bryce has yet again impressed us all. He got his second bottom front tooth. Soon enough he'll be able to chew on some grub! He also started taking his first steps and has decided it is his preferred mode of transportation, but he hasn't perfected it yet. He even stands on his own from the middle of the floor. He loves to try to walk he is steadily improving. He always trying to walk first, but usually ends up crawling the last part of the way. We are also headed to the ENT tomorrow to discuss tubes for his ears. He has yet to get rid of the ear infections he has had for months. We are on number 9 and 10. Hopefully all will go well. We love our Brycey!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

White Trash Party

For date night this week we were invited to an awesome White Trash party! It was hilarious. We all dressed our best and had a great time. We had a chugging contest, a Twinkies eating contest (in which I almost died, trying not to GAG on it! I gave it my best though :) ) and we played a game like catch phrase but with all "white trash" words. We even ate fish sticks, spam, pigs in a blanket, tater tots and other joyous delights. We loved it! Thanks to the McGowans for hosting' a rockin' get-together!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter and the Egg Hunt

This year, we once again had an Easter egg hunt at the local park. For the first time it was a nice and sunny day. And, for the first time, I forgot my camera!! The girls had a great time and there were a ton of kids this year too. We are so grateful for a group of friends with kids the same age near by. For Easter Sunday this year, we shared it with our Valley High buddies and everything was super yummy. I am really enjoying soaking in these last few events!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Bryce is 9 months

I can't believe we've gotten to enjoy this little boy for so long already! He continues to be the happiest little boy ever. He continues to climb on everything and anything possible. His first tooth popped up (finally) yesterday with the one next to it not too far behind. It is on bottom and he is enjoying biting everything to break it in. He has been struggling lately with ear infections (since end of January) with no end in sight. The next one he gets he will be off to the ENT... oh joy. He continues to make us laugh with his easy-going personality and is starting to wrestle back with the girls. He is one tough cookie, an all boy cookie to boot. He weighed in just over 19 pounds. Much bigger than my girls, maybe I'll get an average sized little boy!!