I can't believe my baby is 2! He is such a joy and is always so happy. We are so lucky to have him in our family. This year we kep it pretty low key and just played in the pool - where Bryce loved it!! Some tidbits about Bryce:
1. He is an awesome talker. I was worried because he wouldn't talk at all, but then one day he went to 5 plus word sentences! His vocabulary is awesome and he speaks very well.
2. This kid has an awesome knack for sports. He continues to pla basketball and soccer daily and has even added football into the mix. He shoots from like 5 feet away and can still sink a basket. He throws a football with more spiral than me and dribbles his little soccer ball while running around.
3. He is a tease! If you get up from a seat and he is around he will run to your spot and giggle when you come back to find your spot taken.
4. He is always happy. No one in this house can resist his charms!
We love our little Brycey!
February bits
6 days ago