Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Warning: no pictures yet

We lost all our pictures due to a lovely computer malfunction so we currently have no computer to download pictures from our cameras. I promos though... I will update the posts with pictures.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Daylen McKay Farnsworth

He finally made his debut! I was scheduled for an induction on Friday. Well - Saturday at 3:30 a.m. I got the call that they had a bed for me. So, at about 4:30 we arrived at the hospital and started our check in. At a little before 5:30 they started my pitocin drip. It was pretty boring so I ended up falling asleep from about 7:30 to 8:30. At 8:30 the contractions were getting a little bit uncomfortable and I was at a 5 so they broke my water just before 9:00. Derek came back from picking up breakfast just as they were starting my epidural, minutes later. They had some trouble, once again, with my epidural. After Derek spent about 20 minutes holding me up he told the nurse he needed to sit down. He didn't get to eat and was feeling light-headed. About a minute later he crashed to the ground and took a little nap for a few minutes! Apparently he can NOT go without eating. This is number two out of four... so he doesn't have the best odds. Anyway, I digress... After assuring them I was not going to jump off the table to get Derek they continued to try to get my epidural. Soon after, I felt the needle go in and a shooting pain down my leg. This is where it gets interesting! I start feeling really weird and the guy doing my epidural is concerned that I am already feeling numb when he says he hasn't given me anything but lidocaine and I should still be good. Well, next thing I know my body collapses on the bed, my bp drops super fast and I can't breathe. They shoved some medicine in and got my heart rate back up and gave me oxygen. Then they informed me that he missed the epidural space and I just got a spinal! So, they sat around freaking for a little bit while I couldn't move - which is the wierdest feeling. Then my doctor came in to check me and I was ready to go - all 10 centimeters. So, without being able to feel too much I pushed and a few minutes later we got an amazing baby boy! His chord was wrapped around his neck 4 times but we didn't know because he showed no distress. We are so blessed and grateful he came out perfect! He was 6 pounds 14 ounces, which is my smallest baby! He was 20 inches and born at 9:56. Not too shabby for a morning's work. I am so grateful it all went well and despite the doctor's constant checking to see if I had a spinal headache, we both were great!