He has arrived! On Friday morning we headed off to the hospital to be induced. At around 10 a.m. they started the pitocin and we were on our way! It seemed a rather slow process to me... At noon they broke my water and I was only at 2-3 cm (sigh) then at about 4 o'clock I gave in and got an epidural since I was only at a 5. Well, that was the trick, because after they were done getting the epidural in I was already a 9.5! At 5 o'clock I asked for the nurse to come so I could push. As they lifted my bedding to get things ready they were shocked to see his head was already crowning and half out!! They began laughing and telling me not to push while they scrambled to get on their gowns, remove the bottom of the bed etc. The doctor just kept chuckling about how he'd never thought he'd deliver a baby where the mom didn't push once. Well, he got too! Before they were even dressed and ready they were suctioning his mouth. Very quick to say the least. It was a great experience and I was actually a little in shock myself that he was laying there, even with the pain, it just seemed a little too easy! But don't all get mad at once - it's easy as soon as you see that beautiful face!! I am so grateful for our new addition to the family. He is super mellow and a great little sleeper. Of course, he is the cutest thing and we can't get enough.
Schontz's Cabin
4 weeks ago