Friday, February 6, 2009

The latest

Well, not much has been going on in the Farnsworth home. This pregnancy is going quickly and I am getting bigger by the minute. This little BOY is determined to have a fat mamma. I have never wanted so many horrible foods and have never had a pregnancy where I can't really exercise (dr. order)!! Not a good combination. Everything looked great on the untrasound and he is exactly the size and weight he should be. We can't wait for him to get here!
8 weeks
14 weeks
20 weeks


jor said...

Congrats on the boy! I bet Derek is really excited!

Angela said...

Kristen you're so funny, you look great! And congratulations on the boy! I told you! So excited for you.

Wehoos said...

Wow Kristen, you're really packin' it on lately. Are you sure that's healthy? You better lay off the steak and mashed potatoes. :)

nathalia said...

Marc just said, "If she's big, then I'm nine months pregnant."

You look great!

Annette said...

Congrats on the boy! That is awesome.

Miller Family said...

YAY! So happy for a BOY! By the way...I'm pretty sure I have a bigger pooch than you, and I'm not preggers! Ha. You look fantastic as usual! Can't wait to see you guys again...hopefully soon! :) :)

Karl & Leslie said...

I think you look great! That's awesome you are having a boy!

P.s. Derek was way cute at church the other day with Hailey. He's a good daddy!

Jamilyn said...

you are such a cute preggo! congrats on the BOY!!!! im sure the hubby is very excited.. hope everything goes well.

Eric and Caralee said...

You always look great! Wow, no exercise? That would be tough...

The House's said...

Yay, Congrats on your little boy, you look so cute!

sara cardon said...

Yea for the boy!! Derek will have a little Buddy to watch sports with now.:) You are all baby belly and nothing else!!

Sharisse said...

Hi! It's looks like we've got a lot in common with two girls and one boy. Believe me, you don't look like you are putting on weight! I have almost reached what I gained with Brook and I still have 3 months to go!

Kari said...

Holy Moly!!! You skinny minney!!!
Congrats on the Boy! Enjoy your pregnancy & remember eat what you want now- work out later. LOL

Adria said...

I am so excited for you, cuz! I love reading your blog and seeing pics of your cute little family!! I need to get your phone number so I can call you sometime. In the meantime check our blog or e-mail me,
<3 Your cousin, Adria

harrisfamily said...

You look great. I wish I looked like that when I was pregnant. Congratulations! We are excited for you guys!!!! how wonderful!

lgraff said...

You look so cute pregnant! Hope you're feeling well. Let's get together soon w/ the kids.
