Saturday, December 19, 2009

I dun got me un edukashun

It is true... a few years and children later than I expected I finally accomplished my goal to graduate with a bachelor's degree. I really have enjoyed working toward this. Somehow amidst all of the craziness of taking 4 or 5 classes and having three children just to name a few things I keep busy with, I really did enjoy it. I have LOVED learning. I feel like I have done something of value for myself and my children. I want them to know that I value education and that I enjoy increasing my knowledge. I have also been lucky enough to take some classes that interest me and pertain to me. I chose many that dealt with the family unit and the relationships surrounding it. I hope I can take something from them and be a better wife and mother because of it. While I won't miss the crazy load, I miss it already. I am sure I will be back for more soon, just a lot less classes at a time!! I did love at the ceremony that they had a sweet bagpipe and drum group, it was awesome to walk into the arena following them. I wish Derek could have been there too. It was definitely a family effort and he was a really great help to give me time to work on projects and read. I couldn't have done it without all the family support.


Kim Millard said...

Congratulations! That's awesome you kept at it!

nathalia said...

Congrats to you!!! You are such an example, to me and your kiddies! I bet it was a ton of hard work, but that smiley face in your cap and gown really shows how worth it it was!